Dancing Panda Robot project image

Dancing Panda Robot

Virtually Maker Faire 2020

May 22nd-23rd

Exhibit Making

A steampunk robot with a panda motif.
The Steam-Panda is a steampunk robot that can be controled by playing musical instruments.
It is based on the image of an Indian Snakeman who manipulates a cobra with a flute.
For example, playing a recorder causes the steam panda to move in response to the sound.
Each sound emitted from the recorder has a unique frequency.
For example, the "Do(C)" sound is 523.3 hertz, the "Re(D)" sound is 587.3 hertz, and the "Mi(E)" sound is 659.3 hertz.
If the octave is different, the frequency will be half or double each value.
The Steam-Panda has Arduino UNO, Arduino pro mini, RCB-4 as controller inside.
Arduino UNO picks up the sound with a microphone and analyzes what the sound of "Do,Re,Mi(C,D,E)" is.
The RCB-4 moves the servo motor according to which sound of "Do,Re,Mi(C,D,E)" is, and reproduces the movement assigned to that sound.
Arduino pro mini controls the lighting pattern such as ring LED.
Instruments other than recorders can be used, such as pianos and metallophone, but some instruments, such as guitars, have a poor sound recognition rate.

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