The Future of Food: How Food Heroes are Impacting our Society

World Maker Faire 2017

September 23rd-24th

Presentation Food & Beverages

Future Food, an ecosystem with a strong educational core that promotes food innovation as a key tool to tackle the great challenges of the future, introduces you to the faces, stories and experiences of seven food heroes, people who are making the difference in the food space.

Food Innovation Program Final Showcase
The Future of Food: How Food Heroes are Impacting our Society project image
Chiara Cecchini Maker Picture

Chiara Cecchini

Chiara is the an alumni of Food Innovation Program and now Global Ambassador of Future Food Institute. She founded Feat, a company which aims to make wellness accessible and fun. She is also one BCFN Foundation alumni, a research affiliate of Institute For The Future and she involved in IC Foods at UC Davis.
Stephen Ritz Maker Picture

Stephen Ritz

Stephen Ritz is an award winning teacher / administrator from the South Bronx. He is Founder of Green Bronx Machine. To date, he and his students have grown over 40,000 pounds of vegetables en route to outstanding personal and academic performance.
Elise Baker Maker Picture

Elise Baker

Pancake Bot is the world's first pancake printer, allowing users to customize and print their own pancake design. Elise manages educational programs in the K-12 education space to allow kids to use the machine.

Elaine Kung Maker Picture

Elaine Kung

Elaine is part of Agritecture, a project founded as a blog in 2011. Their initial goal was to be a resource for urban agriculture news, business, and design. In 2014, they began a consulting practice and in 2015 Elaine and her team developed their first +Farm. Now, they are making +Farm open source!

Luis Rodriguez Alcade Maker Picture

Luis Rodriguez Alcade

Luis is the founder of 3DigitalCooks. He loves 3d food printing because its fun!

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