Atta-matic: mind the body

Atta-matic: mind the body

A series of speculative and whimsical wearable devices that highlight the disconnect between our mind and body in sedentary lifestyle, Including, Keybod, Click-kick, Text-neck.

What inspired you to make this project?:
I came from a background of graphic design and animation. I personally spend more than ten hours a day sitting in front of a computer. I started to develop health problems such as back pain. I noticed that my consciousness was disconnected from my body when I was using digital devices. I began to question how modern behaviors or new common gestures have been shaped by our tools and machines, especially in the context of our sedentary lifestyle, where people spend the majority of their day seated in front of a computer. Modern lifestyle that we have builds up common contemporary habits required for interacting with digital devices that force us to do some particular idle postures and static repetitive movements, such as, computer hunch, text-neck, and finger movement of Qwerty pattern. Such repetitive induced postures can lead to muscle memory, the unconscious ability of our body to capture a particular activity or body movement with such repetition it eventually learns and will assume that posture automatically. My aim is to draw attention to people about how these micro scale postures or gestures that we have built to be unconscious habits could turn into serious problems through time.

Project Website