In an effort to support and foster the maker community world-wide, we want to keep a definitive directory of hackerspaces, chaptered geek orgs like Dorkbot, our “own” independent Make: City groups, and other, similar DIY organizations. If you’re part of such a local group, add it to the list by emailing .

Make: City Groups

Dorkbots, etc.

  • Dorkbot HQ (Worldwide chapters of groups doing “strange things with electricity”)
  • BarCamp Wiki (International network of tech-related “unconferences”)
  • DIYBio (Worldwide chaptered org exploring biology and “citizen science”)

TechShops, Workshops



YOUR Group Here

If you have a hacker, maker, crafter, or other DIY group or space you’d like added to our directory, please go to to add yourself.

Maker Events Calendar

We maintain an updated calendar of meetings, events, exhibits, and classes of interest to makers, crafters, hackers, and DIY enthusiasts of all stripes. Please let us know of events your group is hosting that other makers might enjoy.