2013 Bay Area Event Speaker Roster
Chris Anderson, founder and CEO of 3D Robotics, DIY Drones
Kai Backman, co-founder, Airstone Labs
Massimo Banzi, co-founder, Arduino
Carl Bass, CEO, Autodesk
Rob Coneybeer, managing director, Shasta Ventures
Jeremy Conrad, founding partner, Lemnos Lab
Tim Darosa, Ouya
Kate Drane, Indiegogo
Brook Drumm, founder and CEO, Printrbot
Robert Faludi, collaborative strategy leader, Digi International
Brady Forrest, PCH International
Ted Hall, founder and CEO ShopBot Tools
Alden Hart & Rob Giseburt, Synthetos
Zak Homuth, founder and CEO, Upverter
Bunnie Huang, co-founder, Chumby
Eric Jennings & Sally Carson, co-founders, Pinoccio
Rachel Kalmar, Data Scientist, Misfit Wearables
Zach Kaplan, founder and CEO, Inventables
Ben Kaufman, founder and CEO, Quirky
Cheryl Kellond, co-founder and CEO, Bia Sport
Eric Klein, partner, Lemnos Labs
Ryan Kottenstett, principal, Khosla Ventures
Manu Kumar, founder and chief firestarter, K9 Ventures
David Lang, co-founder, OpenROV
Wayne Losey, Co-founder, Dynamo DevLabs
Dave Merrill, co-founder and president, Sifteo
Scott Miller, CEO and co-founder, Dragon Innovation
James “Laen” Neal, OSH Park PCB
John Park, COO, AQS
Nick Pinkston, founder, Plethora
Peter Platzer, CEO, NanoSatisfi
Brent Polishak, co-founder and president, Beyond 5
Andreas Raptopoulos, co-founder, Matternet
Lisa Qiu Fetterman, co-founder, Nomiku
Renata Quintini, partner, Felicis-Ventures
Dan Roberts, founder of Scout Alarm
Jay Silver, founder of MaKey MaKey
Zach Smith, program director, HAXLR8R
Robert Stephens, founder, Geek Squad
Alice Taylor, founder, MakieLab
Trae Vassallo, general partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Eric Weddington, Marketing Manager, Open Source & Community, Atmel
Peter Weijmarshausen, co-founder and CEO, Shapeways
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