Maker Faire Louisville 2023

Foldable Flight's Paper Airplanes

Home: United States

Kyle Boyer is the creator behind the YouTube channel Foldable Flight with over 395,000 subscribers. Come fold his paper airplane designs, peruse his paper airplane books, and discover motors that can make your paper airplanes remote controlled!
Foldable Flight's Paper Airplanes - Maker Faire Louisville


Kyle Boyer Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Kyle Boyer

Kyle Boyer is the creator and author behind the popular YouTube channel Foldable Flight with over 395,000 subscribers. He has authored or co-authored three different paper airplane books. Last year, he was the US winner of Red Bull Paper Wings aerobatics competition and represented the United States at the Red Bull Paper Wings international finals in Austria.
Rachel Boyer Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Rachel Boyer

Rachel Boyer - VP of Foldable Flight