Maker Faire Rochester 2023

Jacob Yaple Board Game Prototypes

Home: New York, United States

Oviraptor Extinction is about dinosaurs stealing enough eggs to survive climate catastrophe, and Return of the Nautilus is about Captain Nemo and friends piloting undersea vessels around the world's oceans in a sequel to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Jacob Yaple Board Game Prototypes - Maker Faire Rochester


Jacob Yaple Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Jacob Yaple

I'm the red-headed, bearded guy in the photo. I live in downtown Rochester, NY and work at the Central Public Library. I've been into designing board games since I was a little kid and it's been a serious hobby since 2012, when I had the idea for Cold Quest. During the pandemic in 2020, I had the spare time to design Oviraptor Extinction and Return of the Nautilus, two new games I hope to test out at this year's Maker Faire.

What Inspired You to Make This?

For Oviraptor Extinction, I was curious how dinosaurs evolved to fight climate change, and how I could portray that in a game. For Return of the Nautilus, I have always liked Jules Verne's sci fi novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and wanted to do a game about it.

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