Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
Home: California, United States
One of the largest volunteer-run clothing swaps and DIY sewing hackathons on every continent (except Antarctica). 11.3 million tons of textile waste end up in U.S. landfills annually; 6,000 lbs of which has been diverted here for your creative soul. We have sewing machines, knowledgeable volunteers, and diverse activities designed to encourage participants to think locally and impact globally with their textile waste. We will be accepting donations of CLEAN clothes and sewing supplies at the event. Donations are not required to participate just a creative urge. As always PLEASE NO SHOES!
One of the largest volunteer-run, non-profit clothing swaps and DIY sewing hackathons globally, on every continent (except Antarctica). Our passionate volunteers have brought all the tools, supplies, and crafting experience to educate people on how to upcycle and recycle clothing and textiles into useful items, diverting them from the waste stream.
What Inspired You to Make This?
Wendy Tremayne started Swap-o-Rama-Rama as a way to learn to sew. Carl Sagen stated, "If you want something, create the world it lives in." Wendy created the largest clothing swap on every continent except Antarctica. As the event got bigger, and events were happening in more locations, it took more volunteers to run, so I got involved as the Custodian of the Machines and use my love of teaching to impart skills to other as a means to reduce their carbon footprint