Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Petoi Robots

Home: California, United States

Petoi is the maker of futuristic bionic robot pets for adults and kids, with applications in robotics, STEM, coding, AI education, and human companionship. The robots are open source, high-performance, remote/app-controlled, and highly programmable. The robotics kits are built on top of Arduino and ESP32. They can be extended with popular open source hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino modules, and sensors to make robots sense and interact with surrounding environments. Petoi is also the creator of OpenCat, a popular open-source quadruped(four-legged) robot platform where all Petoi robots run.
Petoi Robots - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
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Petoi LLC Maker Photo

Petoi LLC

Petoi is the maker of lifelike bionic robot pets for adults and kids, with applications in robotics, STEM, coding, AI education, and human companionship. The robots are open source, high-performance, remote/app-controlled, and highly programmable. The robotics kits are built on top of Arduino and ESP32. They can be extended with popular open source hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino modules, and sensors to make robots sense and interact with surrounding environments. Petoi is also the creator of OpenCat, a popular open-source quadruped(four-legged) robot platform where all Petoi robots ru


What Inspired You to Make This?

Countless efforts have been made to develop robots that look and behave like real pets, human's best friends. Yet quadruped robotic systems have been very complex and take a big upfront capital and lots of expertise to start. It was too difficult for individuals to get a dynamic walking robot in their hands. Petoi has developed the OpenCat open source robotics solutions and deployed them on all of Petoi open source robot pets: - use hobbyist high-performance servos as the joints - arrange servos in an optimized body frame - use low-cost popular hardware as the controller (Arduino, ESP32 or Raspberry Pi, etc.) to support add-on modules such as smart camera module, IoT sensors, and voice command modules - efficient and open source control codes for vivid motion tasks