Maker Faire Yearbook 2024


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Found 138 Results

Power Racing Series X Robot Riot Combat Robotics

Faire: Milwaukee


Power Racing Series NFP is back with another hacky project to bring out your competitive side! We've teamed up with Chicago's own Robot Riot to bring you the hackiest, silliest combat robotics league in the country (we think). Come see the toys-turne

Projet Stargate SG1:10

Faire: Lille

Home: France

Le projet Stargate SG1:10 à pour but de créer une réplique miniature la plus précise de la célèbre Porte des étoiles de la série Stargate SG-1 à l'échelle 1:10ème. Au programme : modélisation 3D, impression 3D, électronique, programmation arduino...

Henry Martin's Marvelous Machines

Faire: Lake County

Maker: Henry Martin

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Henry Martin is a 8th grader with a passion for development, engineering and all things tech. Henry's stem fair projects and won local, state and national awards

Fablab Orléanais

Faire: France

Maker: Fablab Orléanais

Home: France

Fablab Orléanais met à disposition des adhérents les équipements suivant : - Découpe Laser - Imprimante 3D FDM / Résine / SLS - Four CMS + Equipements de tests - Thermoformeuse - CNC - Perceuse, tourets, ... - Stations de travail avec les logiciels nécessaires à la conception (SolidWorks, Cura, Arduino IDE, ...) dans un atelier de 600 m²

tscann16: A 5k 16mm film scanner

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Catilya

Home: California, United States

tscann16 is a home-brew high quality film scanner. It uses stepper motors to move optical film like a cassette tape player would, and takes hi res photos of each frame with a macro lens on a DSLR, which is controlled with computer vision running on a Raspberry Pi5. It yields a 5k scan of 16mm film, or 4k scan of 8mm film, and can handle damaged film, warped film, film with damaged or misshapen sprockets, delicate films, and handmade films. Tscann16 offers an alternative to lower quality flickering telecine scans, poor quality consumer scanners with cheap lenses and sensors, and unattainably expensive vintage commercial scanners. Tscann16 duplicates can be built at low cost, given a lens and a DSLR. Most parts are 3D printed, and stepper motors from a 3D printer drive the film.

Kinetic Harmony: Transformative Art for Meditation, Distraction, and Anxiety Reduction

Faire: NoVa

Maker: Marc Rosenkranz

Home: Virginia, United States

I'll be presenting a series of operational kinetic art rotating sculptures. Observers will be captivated and mesmerized by the rotation, maintaining their attention and experiencing the advantages of reduced anxiety, stress reduction, and pain relief

Fablab du Pays de Lorient

Faire: France

Maker: Fablab du Pays de Lorient

Home: France

Le Fablab du Pays de Lorient, accompagné de ses associations partenaires, le CREPP et les Ateliers de Soye, vous invitent à imaginer tout ce que vous pourriez faire au Fablab! Impression 3D, découpe et gravure de matériaux, électronique, robotique ou couture et assemblage, découvrez des machines et une communauté de makers pour vous aider à réaliser vos projets.

Clubul Tinerilor Makeri Chișinău

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Iulian Lungu

Home: Moldova

Clubul Tinerilor Makeri este un proiect social, ce oferă cursuri gratuite în domeniul tehnic, destinat tinerilor din școlile profesionale, colegii și centre de excelență.

Eco House

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Streșnă Nicoli

Home: Moldova

Macheta este realizată la o scară mică, replicând o casă modernă ecologică. Materialele folosite sunt reciclabile și eco-friendly, cum ar fi lemnul, cartonul și plasticul reciclat. Casa este poziționată pe o platformă care include o grădină și alte e

Spider Bot

Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Sam Kammerer

Home: Florida, United States

The “Spider Bot” is a novel prototype being developed to prove that a new leg configuration can increase the robustness of legged robots in the field.

Browned Butter Babe

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Rachel Turkal

Home: California, United States

Browned Butter Babe Co is a queer, woman-owned boutique bakery based in West San Jose. We specialize in making all of our all our baked goods with browned butter. We were founded at the tail-end the end of the pandemic because I missed the joy of baking for others. At Browned Butter Babe we focus on flavor and bringing a complexity that make our treats not just sweet, but extremely delectable. We offer a variety of treats from classic chocolate chip and snickerdoodle cookies to more exotic flavors like ube and candy cap mushroom found in some or our blondies, cookies and rice crispy treats.

Petoi Robots

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Petoi LLC

Home: California, United States

Petoi is the maker of futuristic bionic robot pets for adults and kids, with applications in robotics, STEM, coding, AI education, and human companionship. The robots are open source, high-performance, remote/app-controlled, and highly programmable. The robotics kits are built on top of Arduino and ESP32. They can be extended with popular open source hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino modules, and sensors to make robots sense and interact with surrounding environments. Petoi is also the creator of OpenCat, a popular open-source quadruped(four-legged) robot platform where all Petoi robots run.

S.T.R.I.S.C.I.A. – Test di reattività per la scherma storica.

Faire: Trieste

Maker: ASD SeptemCustodie

Home: Italy, Italy

STRISCIA sta per SeptemCustodie Test Reattività In Situazione Con Input Accellerometrico, ovvero Stampa 3d, bricolage ed Arduino al servizio della performance atletica nella scherma storica. Un apparato per misurare la reattività in situazione e poter verificare l'impatto degli allenamenti e degli accorgimenti tecnici nel tempo.

Tekwill Academy Kids

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Cătălina Bunescu

Home: Moldova

Centrul educațional pentru copii și adolescenți, specializat în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale.

XYZ Woodworking Router (CNC Router)

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Arthur Hebert

Home: Louisiana, United States

Press the game controller start button, and watch the XYZ router cut out a sign or shape.

Digital Fiber

Faire: Miami

Maker: Rodney Trusty

Home: Florida, United States

Digital Fiber provides a hardware/software toolkit for textile circuit design. Hardware features fabric-based LEDs, sensors, microcontrollers. Software includes the Digital Fiber Studio, ensuring quick, error-free circuit creation.

TDAH Smart Trainer

Faire: Lille

Maker: Xavier Lucron

Home: France

Le TDAH Smart Trainer est une invention à base d'Arduino conçue pour éduquer la concentration des enfants atteints de Troubles du Déficit de l’Attention et/ou Hyperactivité (TDAH). Les premiers tests ont donné d'excellents résultats.

CHRONOLED – The Last First Digital Watch

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Gabriele La Terra Maggiore

Home: Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

CHRONOLED is an homage to the LED watches from the mid 1970s, also known as the first ever digital watch. The CHRONOLED watches are a blend between tradition (by keeping the looks and functionality of their original counterpart), and modern technology (by using accessible and modern SMT technology). If you are a watch enthusiast, or just get a kick out of vintage items, the CHRONOLED watches are what you are looking for. Since CHRONOLED is the last first digital watch.

R2 Builders France

Faire: France

Maker: R2 Builders France

Home: France

Notre association à but non lucratif regroupe une communauté francophone de fans qui s'intéressent à la construction de robots issus de l'univers Star Wars. Les membres partagent et échangent leurs connaissances, compétences et savoir-faire afin de construire leurs droïdes. Notre objectif est de rassembler ceux qui souhaitent en construire, d'encourager et organiser les collaborations et échanges entre les constructeurs francophones et la communauté internationale regroupée au sein du "R2-D2 Bu

Doug's Drawbot and Image Processing Algorithms

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Douglas Biehl

Home: California, United States

A polar drawing robot in action along with some fun examples of using in the development of photo filters and image translation algorithms.

Electronics with U of R Makers

Faire: Rochester

Maker: U of R Makers Club

Home: New York, United States

We're the Makers Club at the University of Rochester! Come to our booth to learn how to use a breadboard, electronic components, and arduinos. See if you can solve all the breadboarding puzzles, with help from our club members.


Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: handeyeco

Home: Arkansas, United States

I'm an artist and technologist based out of Fayetteville, AR. I think a lot about music, censorship, education, OSS/OSH, and tool-making as an artistic practice.

Interhouse IoT Project Kit – Making IoT Creation Accessible to More Makers!

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Eric Burns

Home: California, United States

The IoT Project Kit makes learning the electronics and programming necessary to build Internet of Things devices more accessible. By combining inexpensive components of off Amazon and the free guides, you too can be building IoT devices! Come by our booth and try it out for yourself - we'll have microcontrollers, sensors and breadboards along with easy to follow guides. These guides will evolve to include leveraging Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and SMS to add in the connectivity component. Come experience how you can combine simple projects into more complex devices!

Vjetroelektrana H

Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: Turbine Tech

Home: Kanton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kratki opis projekta Svijet je zakoračio u energetsku tranziciju koja podrazumjeva nultu emisiju ugljika do 2050 god. Ovakav pristup će zahjevati još veći udio proizvedene elektične energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Naime, već se uveliko ko