Maker Faire Rome 2023
Massage On a Bottle
Can a plastic bottle be useful in a different way and teach us something before being recycled? In our opinion yes! In this project we use a plastic bottle of mineral water to simulate the resistance that the abdomen of the human body opposes during compressions in emergency cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (ETC). For the training of people in this type of maneuvers, are generally used specialized dummies that, while reproducing in an exact manner the human anatomy, are on the other hand very expensive, limiting in fact the number of people who can try at least once the experience of simulation. This idea was born from the observations of one of the two members of the project team (Luigi) who has been working for many years as a volunteer and is engaged as a trainer for resuscitation maneuvers in emergency. In order to make this kind of experience accessible to anyone, from the collaboration with the other team member (Pierluigi, Electronic Technician and Maker), this project was developed on two different levels: the first, conceived to be extremely simple, which in addition to the bottle uses a small mechanical device capable of rendering both visual and sound feedback when the right level of compression is reached. the second, which integrates the first, with a Smartphone app capable of detecting from the device the rhythm of the compressions performed and confirming the correct execution of the maneuver. The app, moreover, provides useful indications on how to perform the operations and allows to share the experience and spread the use of the device and the app. All this is done both in a training setting and in complete autonomy. This project aims to increase as much as possible the number of people who, at least once in their lives, have tried the practice of external chest compressions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In this way, in fact, it increases the number of individuals potentially able to save a life. From the moment a person goes into cardiac arrest, the time available to intervene is very limited and spread the culture of how to perform a maneuver of this type can, in some cases, make the difference between life and death. Our presence at the fair will allow us to have visitors try out external chest compression maneuvers, effectively creating a training environment.
Massage on a Bottle
We are business colleagues in the telecommunications and information security industry. In our free time we dedicate ourselves to different activities that in this project have merged to create something innovative and socially useful. Luigi has been dedicating himself for more than 20 years to the world of volunteering. He is an instructor for the diffusion of Life Saving Maneuvers, his motto is "I believe that learning to save a life can also save yours". Pierluigi is a maker who exploits all the skills acquired over the years in the various sectors of electronics, to apply technology to the needs of everyday life. His motto is "Even the most futuristic technology is useless, if it is not used to improve people's lives.