Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Lobster Tee

Home: California, United States

We print shirts featuring completely original pieces of artwork. Our catalog of unique illustrations are created exclusively by Bay Area artists and showcase themes from various NorCal communities. Using a combination of celebratory, humorous, and hyper-local references we give nod to the inside lore of life in the Bay Area. If you ride BART, live in Oakland, eat burritos in the Mission, work in tech, or just worry about the Millennium Tower falling on you, you'll find something to enjoy in our collection. All of our designs are inspired by and in service to Bay Area culture. And they're hellah fine.
Categories: Art & Design, Fashion,
Lobster Tee - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Lobster Tee Maker Photo

Lobster Tee

We share the work of local artists and create unique t-shirt designs. Liberate art. Wear it, don't hang it.

What Inspired You to Make This?

The Bay Area needs us. We bring love, humor, and an appreciation for local artists to our work. We don't just print a brand name in different fonts. We actually conceive and create original designs that are about this place we live in. And we love it.