Maker Faire Downtown Columbia 2023

Designs By All Handmade hand-painted Wood Flowers and Magic Wands

Home: Maryland, United States

Designs By All, Wood Flowers Florist. Handmade, hand-painted Wood Flowers and Magic Wands

Designs By All Handmade hand-painted Wood Flowers and Magic Wands - Maker Faire Downtown Columbia


Andrea L. Levy Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Andrea L. Levy

Andrea L. Levy - Wood Flower Florist - I create handmade hand painted wood flowers and magic wands. Flowers make people smile, and wood flowers are forever flowers that do not do. My program Wands for Warriors provides a magic wand to a child in a hospital for every wand sold.

What Inspired You to Make This?

I enjoy sharing my creative work with others and finding new areas to help make people smile.

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