Maker Faire Miami 2023
Building an IOT Company in Miami
Home: Florida, United States
Building an IoT company in Miami offers a strategic location, a growing tech ecosystem,. A culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning can attract top talent to create cutting-edge IoT solutions.


Ryan Rea
More Info coming

Andres Avello
Andres Avello the co-founder and CEO of PADL. With over a decade in managing strategic planning, finance, and technology, in companies ranging from manufacturing businesses to cruise lines, Andres started PADL with two partners, Khalil Khouri and Felipe Jauregui. Together they brought self-service IoT to the recreation industry, starting with paddle boards. PADL has launched 50 self-serve stations in Florida and has added kayaks, as well as opened a full flagship location offering tours, lessons, and a personalized experience from knowledgeable staff. PADL will be bringing bikes, and more to be able to provide a wide range of recreational activities from Florida to the World.

Albert Bou Fadel
Albert Bou Fadel is the founder and CEO of SmartBarrel. After working for over 10 years in construction and on glazing projects around the world, he realized how inefficient workforce tracking was being handled by the construction industry. This sparked an interest in solving this pain point, so he set out to create Smar