Maker Faire Rome 2023
Biostimolanti per le colture ed i integratori per la salute umana da scarti della produzione del comparto ortofrutticolo
The goal is to propose to companies involved in the agricultural and nutraceutical-pharmaceutical sector an innovative process for the valorization of. Prototypes of biostimulants for crops and supplements for human health obtained from artichoke and cauliflower production waste, will be proposed. Waste from these products is still a concrete problem and a cost in terms of disposal for farms and processing companies. (Collaborazione DCTF-Sapienza, DAFNE-Tuscia, ISB-CNR, Ri-cicloHortho)
Sapienza Università di Roma
The project involves researchers collaborating in the food-supplement sector with a multidisciplinary approach. Luisa Mannina (PO), Andrea Salvo (PA), Cinzia Ingallina (RTDB), Mattia Spano (Fellow), Giacomo Di Matteo (RTDA), Pietro Matricardi (PO), Chiara Di Meo (PA), Dept. CTF Sapienza; Anna Maria Giusti (RU) Dept. of Experimental Medicine; Enio Campiglia (PA), Alvaro Marucci (PA), Dept. DAFNE, Univ. Tuscia; Anatoly P. Sobolev (RU), Laura Lilla (Technician) ISN CNR; Giuliana Vinci (PO), Sabrina Antonia Prencipe (PhD student) Dept. of Management; Antonella Di Sotto (RTDB) Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology