Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

How To Get Into Robot Competitions

Home: United States

'We will talk about safety and how important it is; how to find events and what it's like to compete at a competitions; tools and skills that are handy to learn; battle hardening your parts to withstand brutal competitions; different weight classes (and which are more budget friendly); Battlebots, the TV show, and how some of us have gone on to become champions in the sport. '
Categories: Robotics,
How To Get Into Robot Competitions - Maker Faire Bay Area


David Calkins Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

David Calkins

David Calkins is a widely respected robot builder and expert. He has taught robotics and computer engineering at San Francisco State University and various grade schools, is the president of the Robotics Society of America, Founder of the international RoboGames (world's largest robot competition), and has lots of other pedantic titles that no one really cares about. He hosted the weekly TV show 'Systm' for Revsion3, where he tought people to make highly useful things like flamethrowers, lightsabers and beer-delivery robots. He's been featured in TV specials on Discovery, History, TechTV, and many other networks, including building a robot which explored the dungeons and sewers of Alcatraz. His most vexing robot is Chapek, which makes cocktails and insults people (mostly him.) He plays with Legos a lot, proving his mother correct that he would not, in fact, ever grow up. He's built over 100 robots, most of which have since had parts cannibalized for some other project. Those 'bots are now plotting to cut off