Maker Faire Baton Rouge 2023
Compass Rose Jewelry Designs by C.E.Rouchon
Home: Louisiana, United States
Catherine is a silversmithing, and lapidary artist. As a full time artist she creates one of a kind jewelry pieces. Her favorite stones to work with are the ones she mines herself. The pendant designs are inspired by the her travels.
Catherine Rouchon
Catherine Rouchon is a Graduate Gemologist, silversmithing, and lapidary artist. As a full time artist she creates one of a kind jewelry pieces. Using her lapidary skills she cuts, grinds and polishes cabochons. Her favorite stones to work with are the ones she mines herself. Her silver work designs are inspired by the landscape and the wildlife she encounters in her travels as well the environment thriving out her back door.
What Inspired You to Make This?
Love for nature and design.