Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 2957 Results

Acevedo Studios

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Marcus Acevedo

Home: New York, United States

Handmade stoneware pottery, functional and sculptural, by Acevedo Studios. See the progress of slip-casting throughout the day, and check out our wares for sale.

Eye helper

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Tomas Perez Niño

Home: Mexico, Mexico

Bastón inteligente para personas con discapacidad visual.

Los Angeles Clean Cities Coalition

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Daniel Brehm

Home: California, United States

LA CCC is part of a national network that brings together stakeholders in the public and private sectors to deploy alternative and renewable fuels, idle-reduction measures, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies.

City Tech Maker Fairies

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: City Tech Maker Fairies

Home: New York, United States

City Tech Maker Fairies from New York City College of Technology (CUNY) are here to help. Learn how low cost, open source electrical and computer technology based Assistive Technology devices and games can help children and adults with disabilities.

Baton Rouge Gem and Mineral Society

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Baton Rouge Gem and Mineral Society

Home: Louisiana, United States

Large mineral specimens and displays will be available to see and find answers to your questions.

Bluegrass Garrison 501st Legion Star Wars Club

Faire: Louisville

Maker: Bluegrass Garrison 501st

Home: United States

Bluegrass Garrison is located in Kentucky. The 501st Legion promotes interest in STAR WARS and the use of these costumes for STAR WARS-related events as well as contributes to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work world wide

Autonomous Robot Racing for Everyone

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Joah Tang

Home: New York, United States

It's robot racing time. The Tompkins County Public Library all the way from NY is bringing some fun robot mayhem with Arduino-powered autonomous racing. At this hands-on demo, participants will be able to race a robot and learn how to make one too!

Schantz Maker Space

Faire: Wayne County

Maker: Vic Schantz

Home: Ohio, United States

6’ table with displays of different types of technology based kits that can be built in our hands on maker classes. As people see examples of our kits, we hope they will ask questions and we will direct them to our website snd our meetings where they can get more information

LEGO with Maker Faire Rochester

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Maker Faire Rochester

Home: New York, United States

Get hands on with LEGO bricks and make!

The Science of Art Glass

Faire: Calgary

Maker: NULL

Home: Alberta, Canada

Get a glimpse of the make-up, property and science behind the art of glass blowing. Learn history and facts behind how this material is made.

Bouw en programmeer met pictogrammen-blokken

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Cobie van de Ven

Home: Nederland

Programmeer je eigen animatie, dans, muziek, of verhaal met blokken in ScratchJr. Of bouw een robot of machientje met Lego. Behalve “gewone” blokken heb je ook een motor, afstand-sensor en kantelsensor. We geven kleine demonstraties van educatieve robots, zoals Co de Rups, Indi en Finch2. Geef je zelf les? We leggen allerlei inkijkexemplaren neer, die je zelf kunt downloaden. Ook hebben we een schema van een doorgaande lijn programmeren van P.O. tot V.O.

LA3D Club

Faire: Orange County

Maker: LA3D Club

Home: California, United States

We will be showing how to make photos with a regular smartphone so they can be viewed in 3D. We will also be showing work that the club does in 3D such as 3D movies and photographs. We will bring 3D viewers from the last century to modern ones.

Garrattmaker, model locomotives 1:22,5

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Helmut TELEFONT

Home: Trieste, Italy

My latest project was a 1:22,5 full 3D printed Garratt model. All print files are available for free on my website. also a 100-page book on the original historic locomotive, the surviving locomotive in the Nairobi Museum and instructions on how to assemble the model. In the first 3 weeks the book was downloaded 18,000 times.

Aquabots FTC

Faire: Pioneer Valley

Maker: Aquabots FTC

Home: Massachusetts, United States

We're the Aquabots, an FTC team! We are a community team made of members from all over the Pioneer Valley. We build a robot to compete in a worldwide competition. Building a robot requires mechanical design, programming, fundraising, and business planning. At Maker Faire you can checkout our robot, drive it around, and learn more about the current season we are competing in.

The ultimate maker’s toolbox

Faire: Trieste

Maker: DeLucaLabs

Home: Belluno, Italy

Questo progetto mira a creare un cyber-deck di ultima generazione per supportare le esigenze di ogni creativo in viaggio, che si tratti di hostare una rete Wi-Fi, di creare un LAN party, di collegarsi a qualche satellite o GPS. Il tutto in una valigia standard Peli 1535. Le strumentazioni all'interno del box possono essere alimentate sia tramite linea elettrica sia tramite batterie di backup o pannelli fotovoltaici, permettendo la massima affidabilità.

+Re Water

Faire: Rome

Maker: Innovazione e tecnologia a supporto di uno stile di vita migliore e dignitoso per tutti


L'idea si basa sui punti 6 e 7 dell’agenda 2030, ossia Garantire a tutti la disponibilità e la gestione sostenibile dell’acqua e delle strutture igienico-sanitarie e assicurare a tutti l’accesso a sistemi di energia economici, affidabili, sostenibili e moderni. +Re Water suddivide il suo funzionamento tra le due fasi principali della giornata, durante la notte recupera acqua, deumidificando l’aria circostante; durante il dì produce energia elettrica e potabilizza l’acqua tramite una serie di filtri in carbonio attivo e lampade di tipo UV. Ma gli sprechi non sono ben visti da noi di +Re Water, ed î per questo che abbiamo scelto di aggiungere una cisterna di raccolta dell’acqua piovana, che verrà in seguito potabilizzata assieme all’acqua deumidificata. Perché scegliere il nostro progetto? Il nostro progetto offre soluzioni innovative, volte a diminuire i problemi di approvvigionamento idrico nel mondo usando solo energia fotovoltaica. +Re Water î basato su una visione a lungo termine e su una strategia di sviluppo continuo con lo scopo di adattarsi alle esigenze di ogni zona e aiutare più persone possibile.

3D printers

Faire: Asheville

Maker: kevin van deusen

Home: South Carolina, United States

Come see 3d printers in action! You will also have the opportunity to purchase at lower than internet prices if interested.

Make composite structures with low VOC materials

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Robert van de Walle

Home: California, United States

Composite structures are ubiquitous and typically require a significant investment before fabrication can begin. I demonstrate how to use foam, glue, kraft paper, and window screen (and other low VOC materials) to duplicate much of the formability and durability of fiberglass. Perfect for fabricating small boats, bike fairings, large art installations, giant robot puppets, teardrop trailers, and theater props, this technology is very well suited for school and community groups. I will teach good techniques for cutting foam, laying up skins, and designing the structure to be durable.

Kohinoor Project

Faire: Rome

Maker: Jerelyn Creado


The inspiration for the new collection comes from the influence of the Mughals on culture, fashion and architecture in India. Mughals and Indian Maharajas adorned themselves with extravagant, precious and elaborate and designed jewels. This tradition continued in India even after that the Mughals were gone. To make these magnificent creations, we work with small and medium sized artisans as they have generations of know-how behind their art. This ensures that our shoes are handmade and that equal attention is paid to each of them. We believe in keeping the art of footwear making alive in Italy for generations to come.


Faire: Brussels


Home: Belgium

Etes-vous le maker le plus compétant de la MakerFaire ? Venez prouver vos compétences en chez le MakeRun de GLUON. Ici vos skills seront mis à l’épreuve sous forme de ‘Time Trials’, compléter des taches ICT, typiques « Maker » et enregistrer vos temps sur les leaderboards afin de gagner des prix.

programando a mex-bot en arduino

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: antonio joaquin lopez

Home: oaxaca, Mexico

aprende a programar al mex-bot, un robot mexicano, con diferentes funciones y retos que puedes aprender a resolver de algunas categorías existentes en la robótica mexicana. no necesitas conocimientos previos de programación o electrónica.

Bitknight Designs and A Sunflowerdaze

Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Sean Bush

Home: Florida, United States

As the Downtown Crowd official Power Couple, Sean Bush and Lindsey Hampton provide a space for more than one type of art-loving audience here in Pensacola. Sean connects with the pop-culture audience through his digital and oil painted illustrations. Meanwhile, Lindsey curates conversations with fine art audiences curious about her figurative oil paintings. This year Lindsey will host a brief discussion on color theory with her live painting while Sean shares videos of his process from start to finish. There will be Q&A for anyone interested in learning more.

Plastics Made Pretty

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Elizabeth Mills

Home: New York, United States

As a kid I thought that recycling plastics would save the world. Now I know better and try to do better. I use plastics to create unique products. Stop by Plastics Made Pretty to pick up something cool and learn a few ideas for yourself!

Maker13 and the Maker Mobile

Faire: Louisville

Maker: Maker13

Home: United States

Our Mission: To give individuals and small businesses access to tools, training, and knowledge to create local art, and drive interest and curiosity to crafters and hobbyists. We do this with our mobile lab and classes at the maker space.