Getting Started with PocketBeagle® from® Hands-On Coding Workshop
World Maker Faire New York 2018
September 22nd-23rd
Hands on getting started workshop with PocketBeagle® from®, a low cost point of entry for the education in and collaboration around open-source software and hardware. Bring your own PC and pair up and enjoy fun coding exercises with easy to use hardware, software and sensors.
Describe what people will learn and/or experience in your workshop. Include tools and materials if applicable. (1000 char)
• PocketBeagle® from® is low cost, tiny 1GHz Linux computer you can use to build anything from home automation systems to robots
• Bring your own PC to talk to PocketBeagle® and learn the basics of coding with open-source Linux based software using online IDE Cloud9
• PocketBeagle® is a great educational platform teaching students not only the basics of electronics and coding, but also the life skills of collaboration needed for careers in tomorrow’s high tech industry.
• Add sensors and outputs; from add on boards to circuits- try your hand at your own design
Jason Kridner
Jason Kridner is a founder of the® Foundation, a US-based 501 c3 non-profit providing education in and collaboration around the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing for over 10 years. A 25-year veteran of Texas Instruments, he is software architecture manager and has been a featured keynote speaker at many Maker Faires, industry and educational conferences.