Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 4 Results

Radioshack Parts and Pieces

Faire: NW Arkansas
Maker: Cody Vaughn
Home: Arkansas, United States
We have Arduinos/Feather Boards and some small educational electronic kits for kids and people wanting to learn about soldering or electronics.

Mobo Gobbler

Faire: NW Arkansas
Maker: Blake Boeckmann
Home: Arkansas, United States
The Mobo Gobbler is a fully remote control turkey decoy. It revolutionized traditional stationary decoys. Mobo Gobbler’s goal is to continue to bring innovative technology to the hunting industry and raise awareness to wildlife conservation.

Quails Curious Contraptions

Faire: NW Arkansas
Maker: Jason Quail
Home: Arkansas, United States
Meet Norbert the Giraffe and his friends. A group of animatronic puppets and traveling characters.

Andi by True Creative

Faire: NW Arkansas
Maker: True Creative
Home: Arkansas, United States
Come meet Andi! The revolutionary new CNC machine by local startup, True Creative. The True Creative team will have Andi set up and cutting, engraving, and carving projects as well as have completed projects on display to interact with.