Making an “LED Status Alerter” for Your Home Office

Virtually Maker Faire 2020

May 22nd-23rd

Exhibit Making

With many people now working from home, interruptions from family members have become a regular part of the workday. For some folks that is not a huge issue, but others may need to remain focused and let the rest of the household know they are unavailable. Our LED Status Alerter project gives a quick Green / Yellow / Red indication so children, spouses, or others know if you are available, or, tied up and not able to help out or answer questions. Using a Raspberry Pi and some LEDs, or a larger light-stack as would be used on industrial machinery, we have hacked together a "Status Indicator" that you control via a basic web page. We will walk you through the build, and once complete, you can let your household know when it's ok to interrupt, or, when they'll need to come back later!

Making an “LED Status Alerter” for Your Home Office project image

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