Iterating on Soft Robots: Bringing the Maker Ethic to Emerging Technology

World Maker Faire 2016

October 1st-2nd

Presentation Robotics

The emerging field of soft robotics has experimentation at its heart. Roboticists from Super-Releaser will highlight how hands-on experience in materials and fabrication informs their research. Designing flexible things takes flexible thinking and the rapid hacking makers know so well.

Iterating on Soft Robots: Bringing the Maker Ethic to Emerging Technology project image
Kari Love Maker Picture

Kari Love

Kari is a versatile designer and stitcher. She has built everything from EVA spacesuit components, to puppet costumes on Sesame Street, to Spider-Man costumes for the Turn Off the Dark on Broadway. Kari specializes in the human factors engineering necessary to fit designed objects to the body. She also has an extensive knowledge of fabrics and construction methods for soft goods.
Matthew Borgatti Maker Picture

Matthew Borgatti

Matthew Borgatti is the lead scientist at Super-Releaser. He has a degree in Industrial Design from RISD and has built animatronic monsters for half a dozen feature films. Matthew has made prototypes and designs for organizations like Google X Labs, Sols, Bond, Instructables, Makani Power, Adafruit, and MAKE. He recently completed work on a NASA subcontract building next-gen spacesuit gloves.

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