Maker Faire Tulsa 2024

Silver Fox Creations

Home: Oklahoma, United States

Silver Fox Creations has plentiful art and interactive activities to offer at Maker Faire Tulsa! All ages are welcome to come paint your own masterpiece, ask questions and give ideas to the artist during the live paint, and learn painting basics!

Silver Fox Creations - Maker Faire Tulsa 2024


Hannah "Charlie" Scott Maker Photo

Hannah "Charlie" Scott

My name is Charlie Scott, and I am the Silver Fox of Silver Fox Creations. I started my art business right after the pandemic and got my start in renaissance faires in 2021. My art showcases mostly fantasy and out of the box ideas in vibrant colors, some even glow! Kit's Paint is a wonderful activity that any age will love! You or your child will get an 8"x10" canvas, washable paints, brushes, and an apron and be able to paint your own work of art to take home at an affordable price. During the live paints, you may ask as many questions as you'd like, offer up ideas to add to the painting, and learn about the different techniques I use.


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