Maker Faire Philadelphia 2024

Rocketship Games

Home: PA, United States

Many people are familiar with classic Estes flying model rockets but don't realize they're just one slice of the hobby. ROCKETSHIP GAMES will present its micro-rocket designs that use tiny black powder motors and can be launched on very small fields.
Rocketship Games - Maker Faire Philadelphia 2024


Joseph Kopena Maker Photo

Joseph Kopena

Joe Kopena likes computers, rockets, and games. Professionally he's a computer scientist focused on extreme networking and mission critical collaboration. For fun he designs and builds model rockets as well as painting models, building terrain, and designing rules and campaigns for tabletop miniatures gaming. A lifelong Philadelphia native, his true passion is continually rearranging his basement workshop factory...

What Inspired You to Make This?

One day my then-4yo daughter woke up and out of the blue announced that she'd like to make a rocket. I said "Kid, I been waiting 30 years for you to come along and say that" and we called my mom & dad to dig out my crate of rocket stuff they'd kept preserved in their basement all these years.