Maker Faire Edmonton 2024


Home: Alberta, Canada

Cuteness is a necessity is my motto for my simply cute amigurumi creations. Chonky ducks that you can accessorize with hats, cute danglers for your bags, and even crochet it yourself kits for the beginner enthusiast
Categories: Art & Design, Craft,
QuillsnQuacks - Maker Faire Edmonton 2024


Eik Lian Ho Maker Photo

Eik Lian Ho

My name is Eik Lian Ho, but everyone calls me Elaine. I am the artist behind Quills n Quacks. I was born in Brunei and came to Edmonton Alberta when I was about 8 months old. I am a creative introvert and I love cute chubby things! When I discovered the art of amigurumi, I set out on a mission to learn the skills to create cuteness. And so hence, came my motto: Cuteness is a necessity Chonky ducks that you can accessorize with hats, cute danglers for your bags, and even crochet it yourself kits for the beginner enthusiast


What Inspired You to Make This?

I've always loved cute chonky things as they just make me happy and I want to share that with everyone