Maker Faire Miami 2023

Maker Spaces in Schools

Home: Florida, United States

This presentation will focus on examples of how to integrate making and tinkering in school settings. Exploring junk drawer challenges and desktop tinkering to full-scale maker Space build-out.

Maker Spaces in Schools - Maker Faire Miami


David Wells Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

David Wells

David Wells is an educator, artist, and maker. He spent the last 12 years working at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) Maker Space designing learning opportunities focused on building skills and problem-solving for all ages. David has built NYSCI’s Maker Space into an internationally recognized resource for the global maker community - focusing on creative pedagogy, educational theory, design thinking, and making. He is a recognized expert in developing activities and designing learning spaces that encourage community engagement and inclusion. David has worked with formal and informal education spaces as well as for-profit and non-profit organizations to integrate creative thinking and making into the organization’s culture. He was nominated for President Obama’s Champion of Change initiative celebrating people doing influential work in their local community and has been invited to conferences all over the world to share his work through keynote speeches, presentations, and workshops.