Maker Faire Rochester 2024

Kaiju Alotl

Home: Rhode Island, United States

Elliot Langston makes intricate Kaijus and Anime characters out of pipe cleaners. He is excited to teach you how to make Kaijus
Kaiju Alotl - Maker Faire Rochester 2024


Elliot Langston Maker Photo

Elliot Langston

Elliot is a freshman in high school who makes Kaijus and anime figures out of pipe cleaners. Elliot was hatched out of an oyster and washed ashore on the beaches of Narragansett Bay, and has been creating creatures from the deep ever since. Elliot is excited to make kaijus come to life with you!

What Inspired You to Make This?

Elliot has been making kaijus out of pipe cleaners since he was very little.

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