Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Homebrew Robotics Club
Home: California, United States
HBRC is a club of robotics enthusiasts from families with middle school kids to retirees who like to experiment with all different kinds of robots. From small table top based robots to full-size humanoids, from rovers to robotic arms. We have some members who work for robotics companies but we see it as a hobby and a way to learn and educate each other. Some members have fun at competitions like RoboGames or the club also has a couple of exhibition meetings every year, where members can present their robots. HBRC is participating in the BA Maker Faire for many years (and different members in other Maker Faires as well).
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Homebrew Robotics Club
The HomeBrew Robotics Club was resurrected from the ashes of the original HomeBrew Computer Club by a group enthusiasts who were interested in the emerging field of robotics.