Maker Faire Lynchburg 2024
Hardware Store Harmonograph
Home: West Virginia, United States
My Harmonograph can DRAW music!
Julie Schaer
I am just a regular person with nerdy interests. I run a small family farm by day and by night I enjoy making math-related art, and making things that make math-related art.
What Inspired You to Make This?
Spirograph is the primary "media" for my art. Spirograph drawings are predicted by the gear ratios. Predictability based on ratios led me to Harmonographs. I had been wanting to build one for a long time and finally just decided to dig in and get started. Since getting my first good looking drawings, I have been having a blast tweaking my design to improve the variety and details of the resulting drawings. The next steps for me are to work with other artists to make the harmonograph itself beautiful. I am working with a couple artists to replace some of the hardware store components with handmade works, such as replacing giant hex nuts with lampwork glass pieces.