Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Halfmore - Roth IRA for Your Child

Home: California, United States

Halfmore ( is a fintech company that helps parents build wealth for their children. We convert household chores into contributions for a child’s Roth IRA. Busy Parents: Visit our table to learn how to build wealth for your child.
Categories: Education, Kids & Family,
Halfmore - Roth IRA for Your Child - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Halfmore Maker Photo


Halfmore ( is a fintech company that helps parents build wealth for their children. We convert household chores into contributions for a child’s Roth IRA. Busy Parents: Visit our table to learn how to build wealth for your child.

What Inspired You to Make This?

We were inspired to offer financial literacy sessions after learning that many American families were unaware of child wealth-building strategies used by ultra-wealthy families. Halfmore aims to democratize access to intergenerational wealth to everyday BUSY parents.

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