Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Genetic Makerspaces - How to create a sustainable school makerspace

Home: California, United States

Creating a SUSTAINABLE middle or high school makerspace is a daunting task and with so many unknowns. What are they? How much funding is needed? How do they fit into educational pathways? How do you fund them? What do the teachers need? Admin goals? What are the desired outcomes for students? What tools, equipment, infrastructure, furniture, and technology? Why even create them? It's not just about the space and the tools/technology objects within. It's a philosophy of making more capable humans. It's about helping students discover their inner maker and finding their own path forward in life. At Genetic Education, we offer (on-line) master classes in makerspaces, curriculum, and consultation services. We can help you every step of the way, from idea, to ribbon cutting, and beyond.

Genetic Makerspaces - How to create a sustainable school makerspace - Maker Faire Bay Area 2024


Genetic Education Maker Photo

Genetic Education

Offering on-line courses, curriculum, and consultation in the fields of maker skills, makerspaces, and life skills.


What Inspired You to Make This?

I'm Gene Sherman. In 2011, I founded Vocademy, a large (stand-alone) makerspace. We were successful in serving many thousands of makers of all ages. We were a tremendous asset for many local charter and regular schools. We changed lives and helped many others create makerspaces and STEM labs. But in 2020, COVID closed our doors for good. This was a difficult time. Since then, I've wanted to continue my life's mission of helping create makerspaces and inspiring young makers. Except this time to offer our training, our knowledge, and our skills over the internet. This enables us to reach a larger audience of schools, educators, and individuals. Instead of a physical facility, we have taken our expertise and created on-line courses, curriculum, and consulting.

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