Maker Faire Orange County 2024

Betty9 Sings!

Home: California, United States

Betty9 is an animatronic robot built from a manikin. I seeded GPT with a prompt which had over 50 personality specifications. With this, she has an artificial personality. She is for all intent and purpose sentient--artificially sentient.
Betty9 Sings! - Maker Faire Orange County 2024
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Thomas Messerschmidt Maker Photo

Thomas Messerschmidt

Thomas Messerschmidt Roboticist, Speaker, and Entrepreneur Thomas’ accomplishments include 1. Founder and current president of the Riverside Robotics Society. The RRS is a club with over 500 online members and over 50 local members offering classes, contests, and lectures in robotics. 2. Founder of the Riverside Robot Expo 3. Riverside Robot Expo event coordinator for six years 4. Founder of the CIR robotics lecture group 5. Member and past club officer of the Robotics Society of Southern California 6. Member of the Tech Room robotics club in San Bernardino 7. Robotics teacher and lecturer for over 10 years (private lessons) 8. Founder of, a web site and eBay store with over 45,000 page views per month. 9. Creator of the life-like humanoid robots, Robot Betty9 and Simone the A.I. Fembot 10. Ex-employee of Nolan Bushnell’s Androbot robotics company 11. Provider of animatronic software and hardw


What Inspired You to Make This?

I was inspired by Hanson's Sophia robot.

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