Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
44 Daughters
Home: New York, United States
I bring lots of my handmade dolls and the supplies for people to make their own versions of the 44 Daughters. They choose the buttons for faces, and yarn for hair and I help them create their own visions. Everything is done by hand. The workshop is like a quilting bee; we talk, share ideas, slow down and celebrate our art.
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Sam Montgomery
I am the founder of 44 Daughters, an art business I started when I was in college to give a voice to people who are different. My dolls are all handmade by me (no machines) with felt, cotton stuffing, and buttons from my grandmother's button box.
http://www.44daughters.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
I want people to celebrate their differences. Everyone should have a chance to be heard. I was inspired to hand sew and sell fabric dolls because I want the world to be accepting of all people. I think people who are different make a difference. Be creative every day. Start making a doll!.