Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

3D-Printed Electric Marble Mazes

Home: California, United States

We have a variety of battery-powered 3D printed marble machines that we'd like to exhibit. Each model is 3D printed using PLA plastic on consumer FDM printers. This takes anywhere from six to fifteen hours, depending on each model's size and complexity. A model is made from two to seven PLA parts, which are inspected and cleaned of any residual plastic that's a byproduct of the printing process. (None of the models require support material, which simplifies the cleaning process). Once the PLA parts are prepared they, along with the electric parts are assembled into complete models. There's no painting — the plastic is the color it appears. The models are designed in Blender. They use a variety of different mechanisms to lift the marbles.
3D-Printed Electric Marble Mazes - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Gualala Gadget

Gualala Gadget marble machines are intricate and beautiful mazes that evoke both wonder and serenity. A piece of cutting-edge 3D printer technology. We design, 3D-print and assemble our marble machines ourselves.

What Inspired You to Make This?

The inspiration for Gualala Gadget came when our master gadget-maker, Jim, was exploring the complexities of 3D printing. Jim noticed that most of the things that are 3D-printed these days, while fascinating and very creative, are static objects with no movement at all, like action figures. So Jim decided to create a 3D-printed object that incorporated movement and started devising his first marble machine.