Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
DIY Math Games and Puzzles
Home: California, United States
My project aims to provide children and families with a unique opportunity to experience mathematics through games. These DIY games are designed to have a low entry barrier and a high potential for engagement, encouraging kids to think critically and solve problems. Additionally, recently I have reached out to Mr. Cixin Liu, the renowned author of 'The Three-Body Problem' and recipient of the 2015 Hugo Award, and have received authorization to incorporate intellectual property from his science fiction works into the games, presenting children with meaningful puzzles to solve. Through this project, I hope to help children understand the importance of mathematics and its relationship with science, while also recognizing and appreciating the beauty and value of math. Project Photos
Alternative Education
pioneering new possibilities for today's education and promoting equal access to educational opportunities by engaging nontraditional resources, incorporating innovative methodology, and providing professional information services
What Inspired You to Make This?
From a young age, students in the Bay Area find themselves divided into either honors-level or regular math classes. In this fiercely competitive environment, they are constantly bombarded with practice problems and pressured to attend numerous extracurricular tutoring programs. Unfortunately, under these demanding circumstances, most young learners gradually lose the limitless curiosity they once held for mathematics and the joy of learning. Consequently, without a genuine passion for math, students often give up when they encounter challenges in more advanced math levels during middle school and beyond. I firmly believe that this is not the most effective approach to nurturing a love for mathematics, and I am determined to instigate change. I've always had a fondness for do-it-yourself (DIY) and hands-on activities, along with a strong affinity for games and puzzles. After reading Jane McGonigal's book, 'Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World,' I immediately conceived the idea of blending my passion for DIY and math games and incorporating them into my math tutoring classes. Building on this concept, with increasingly positive feedback from both my students and their parents, I rallied a team of twenty dedicated volunteers and began organizing math festivals in local schools, libraries, and community events. Over time, I came to realize that creating math games and hosting math festivals not only benefits our participants but also empowers our volunteers to develop essential skills for the future, including communication, leadership, social influence, and emotional intelligence. I believe these projects serve as bridges between different generations and help close the gap between the world of academia and the real world.