tscann16: A 5k 16mm film scanner

Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

October 18th-20th

Coal Shed 3 Sat & Sun Exhibit Raspberry Pi Ribbon Recipient

tscann16 is a home-brew high quality film scanner. It uses stepper motors to move optical film like a cassette tape player would, and takes hi res photos of each frame with a macro lens on a DSLR, which is controlled with computer vision running on a Raspberry Pi5. It yields a 5k scan of 16mm film, or 4k scan of 8mm film, and can handle damaged film, warped film, film with damaged or misshapen sprockets, delicate films, and handmade films. Tscann16 offers an alternative to lower quality flickering telecine scans, poor quality consumer scanners with cheap lenses and sensors, and unattainably expensive vintage commercial scanners.

Tscann16 duplicates can be built at low cost, given a lens and a DSLR. Most parts are 3D printed, and stepper motors from a 3D printer drive the film.

tscann16: A 5k 16mm film scanner project image
Catilya  Maker Picture


Cat and Ilya are the artist duo Catilya. Cat is an experimental and documentary filmmaker, and also watercolor artist. Ilya makes experimental film equipment, and also furniture.

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