Full Contact Engineering - Interactive Guitars, Robots, and More.
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Full Contact Engineering encapsulates the interactive, educational, and most importantly fun projects by Dorian Todd. Dorian is a student studying mechanical engineering, and has a passion for the details that keep our world running. At the Full Contact Engineering booth you can play tunes on a custom-designed Electric guitar fitted with sound-reactive neopixel LED lights, get brainwashed by a 15-pixel LED matrix display, inspect a battle-worn 15lb Combat Robot that recently competed at SXSW 2024, and even wave hello to a friendly dynamic and reactive Hexapod Robot. These projects are the culmination of years of messing with electronics and are a blast to interact with and talk about. Come and see some awesome projects by Dorian Todd at this interactive and fun booth.
Dorian Todd
Hi, my name is Dorian Todd, I'm an ambitious student with a passion for mechanical engineering and industrial fabrication. From a young age, I was fascinated by how things function, often disassembling gadgets out of curiosity. This hands-on interest led me to pursue mechanical engineering coursework, build ambitious projects, and much more.