Pedal Powered Stage
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Work as a team with other faire goers to power up local bands on bike generators. See how much peak power you can produce with your friends!
Local acts from the Bay Area music scene share their gifts with us as we support them with good clean pedal power, making for a connected and fun performer-audience connection. Musical tastes range from rock, jazz, world, and funk, often danceable. Thanks to our hyperefficient sound system with its class D amplifiers there is a surprising amount of bass and spacious audio clarity when all 12 bikes are full and pedaling. So come enjoy your lunch and delight in local grooves, then take a turn on the bikes and power up the band! Wander over to our circuit table and see how we do it with a unique mix of ultracapacitors and lithium batteries.