Living Solar Panels
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Living Solar Panels is the new, truly green renewable energy source. Prickly pear cacti undergo a different kind of photosynthesis than most other plants, resulting in the creation and breakdown of an acid. Because cacti are opaque, photosynthesis happens independently on each side of the cactus, resulting in acid concentration differences. This difference forms an electro-chemical gradient that we measure as voltage. Stop by to learn more about this unique photosynthesis and how we are charging batteries by harvesting this electricity that naturally occurs in living prickly pear cacti! You'll also learn how changing light conditions and linking multiple cactus stems together can power small electronics. Move over potato clock, hello cactus energy!

Living Solar Panels
Living Solar Panels is an interdisciplinary student team in the Environmental Studies department at UC Santa Cruz. The team is managed by PhD Candidate Charlie Chesney and advised by Dr. Michael Loik. Undergraduate students come from environmental, biology, and engineering departments.