The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, UC Berkeley

Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

October 18th-20th

Coal Shed 1 Exhibit Education Ribbon Recipient

Check out a variety of projects made by UC Berkeley undergraduates, Master of Design students, clubs and competitive teams—all built at the Jacobs Hall Makerspace!

Also play Jacobs' Remote Rover Rally! Configure your RC car and take a shot of navigating through the cardboard obstacle challenge.

The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, UC Berkeley project image
Adam AI CAD Generator Picture

Adam AI CAD Generator

Biomaterials 101 for Designers Picture

Biomaterials 101 for Designers

Robotic Arduino Cars Picture

Robotic Arduino Cars

Space Enterprise at Berkeley - Karman or Bust - Spaceshot Rocket Engine Hardware Picture

Space Enterprise at Berkeley - Karman or Bust - Spaceshot Rocket Engine Hardware

Space Technologies at Cal: TIME II + Lunar Hopper Picture

Space Technologies at Cal: TIME II + Lunar Hopper


The "Sample Mode" Experience

UC Berkeley's Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation and Makerspace

UC Berkeley's Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation and Makerspace

The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation is UC Berkeley’s interdisciplinary hub for learning and making at the intersection of design and technology. Jacobs is the home of the Jacobs Hall Makerspace, design innovation courses, and UC"s only Master of Design.