Adam AI CAD Generator

Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

October 18th-20th

Exhibit Artificial Intelligence Ribbon Recipient

Adam is a browser-based CAD (Computer-Aided Design) application that leverages AI to transform natural language descriptions into precise, manufacturable 3D models. This tool allows users to create complex CAD designs quickly and intuitively, without the need for extensive software knowledge or powerful hardware.

Key features of Adam include:
- Conversational interface for easy model generation
- Rapid prototyping capabilities
- Compatibility with existing CAD workflows
- Accessibility for both novice users and experienced designers

Adam AI CAD Generator project image
Adam AI CAD Generator  Maker Picture

Adam AI CAD Generator

Adam is a browser-based CAD (Computer-Aided Design) application that leverages AI to transform natural language descriptions into precise, manufacturable 3D models. This tool allows users to create complex CAD designs quickly and intuitively, without the need for extensive software knowledge or powerful hardware.

UC Berkeley's Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation and Makerspace Showcase Maker

The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation is UC Berkeley’s interdisciplinary hub for learning and making at the intersection of design and technology. Jacobs is the home of the Jacobs Hall Makerspace, design innovation courses, and UC"s only Master of Design.

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