FOGTOWN: The Puppetry Reimagining of the World's Greatest Detectives
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Fogtown is an in-development TV series (and videogame!) for the whole family, blending the old-school art of puppetry with the cutting-edge innovations of virtual production. Emulating a small-scale style of the Volume-staged filmmaking used in The Mandalorian, Fogtown uses tools like Blender and the Unreal Engine to mix 3D printed puppets & props with digitally handcrafted environments that evoke the spirit of 1800s London (but reimagined with a cardboard diorama look).
At our booth, we'll demonstrate the process of filming scenes for Fogtown and let fairgoers try out our choice-based videogame A Rum Case in Fogtown, featuring branching interactive movie gameplay.
If you love The Muppets, Wallace & Gromit, or Sherlock Holmes, we think you'll really enjoy what we're up to!
We're a ragtag bunch of puppeteers, animators, 3D designers, programmers, costumers, fabricators, writers and more — all aligned to bring the heartwarmingly comedic world of Fogtown to life for an audience hungry for adventure and mystery.