The Cosmic Messenger
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
The Cosmic Messenger is an interactive sculpture designed to spark joy and creativity. This life-sized Pegasus unicorn, lovingly called Peggy, is crafted from sheet metal and steel rod, adorned with rainbow-colored glass chakras and a rainbow-painted mane and tail. Peggy's body is coated in black chalkboard paint, inviting you to get creative with chalk messages. At night, white LEDs illuminate the glass, while color-changing LEDs create a rippling rainbow effect on her wings, mane, and tail. This year, Peggy sports a new mermaid tail, giving you even more space to draw, and offers postcards for visitors to send messages through the cosmos. Blending artistic beauty with interactive fun, Ms. Peggy is a whimsical, one-of-a-kind magical beast sure to bring smiles to all who meet her.
Miki Masuhara-Page
Miki Masuhara-Page is a mixed media artist from Hawaii based in Portland, OR. She loves creating interactive creatures; inspired by both real ones and those that live in her imagination. She uses mediums including drawing, welding and almost everything in between. Her work is influenced by nature, fantasy, dreams, psychedelia, and her upbringing.