Freehand Fabricator: An industrial-grade 3D pen.

Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

October 13th-22nd

Maker 3D Printing

The Freehand Fabricator is what you would get if a 3D printer and a MIG welder had a baby. It is a high-temperature, high-flow 3D printer hot end with a comfortable handle and spool-fed extruder base station. People who have used "3D pens" know how slow they are, and how quickly they break. This is the solution those makers have been waiting for: the Freehand Fabricator is capable of extruding engineering-grade plastics and is more than twice as fast as existing solutions. The project is in the late prototyping stage at the moment and will be launched on Kickstarter in the coming months. We are currently looking for people to play with the prototypes and tell us what they think!

Freehand Fabricator:  An industrial-grade 3D pen. project image
Timothy Keller Maker Picture

Timothy Keller

I'm an inventor and a serial entrepreneur. I run a makerspace called Inventopia which hosts a couple dozen science-based startups in Davis CA, and I mostly support myself as a prototyping consultant with local startups. Last year I started working

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