Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
October 13th-22nd
Trashlantis is a mobile performance & kinetic sculpture, a backdrop for deep, meaningful conversations with people about the myth of recycling and the hazards of living in a "plastisphere." We won this year's Kinetic Grand Championship in Humboldt Country, California.
Trashlantis tells a story ripped from today's headlines: plastic is creating brand-new ecosystems in the oceans. Trashlanteans are strange half-human, half-fish and half-trash beings from an ancient oceanic civilization. They comb the beaches and byways, sidewalks and highways for more plastic to build a Trashlantean civilization. They offer humans a chance to explore their relationship to this amazing material– and maybe even provide a splash of hope to those who are already working towards a toxin and trash free future.
3 Feet of Air
Making Joyful Spectacle to Solve Our Climate Crises