Top Development Boards of 2019
Maker Faire Bay Area 2019
May 17th-19th
Walk through the to development board of 2019 using the Original Boards Guide by Make: Mike Senese, Senior Editor for Make Magazine and Kevin Walseth, Business Ecosystem Dev. Manager will walk through the best boards to get you through prototyping and beyond by adding a little AR spin.
Kevin Walseth
Kevin Walseth is the Business Ecosystem Development Manager at Digi-Key Electronics a.k.a. All things Maker within Digi-Key. From the website - to events consumes his day to day activities. He has been with Digi-Key for 7 years and focuses on supporting makers and the technology they desire. Being a Volunteer Firefighter and a father of 4 takes up his free time outside of the office.
Mike Senese
Executive Editor, Make: magazine