Makers and the Evolution of Innovation in Silicon Valley—and Beyond

Makers and the Evolution of Innovation in Silicon Valley—and Beyond

What lessons can be learned from the explosive popularity of the SF Bay Area Maker movement? Where is it headed, and how can we evolve along with it? Michael Sturtz discusses the rise of the Maker movement, its influence on innovation, and the role of creative risk taking as a way of life.

What inspired you to begin investigating your topic or inspired you to make your project?:
The barriers I overcame in life drove me to become who I am today. In school, my dyslexia made reading and writing difficult, and I was held back in 4th grade. Refusing to view this as defeat, I engaged in creative work-arounds to get through school and life. I went in search of the ideal art school and teacher and never found either, so I started my own ultra-accessible, non-competitive art school and became the teacher I was seeking. Today, The Crucible is the largest industrial arts education facility in the US and I travel the world igniting revolutions in thought, organizational development, & creative empowerment.

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