Ozar Family Racing project image

Ozar Family Racing

World Maker Faire New York 2018

September 22nd-23rd

Exhibit Vehicles

Ozar Family Racing returns for their 3rd year of Power Racing Action! Anney Fresh, Keith, and Monty Ozar are thrilled to be joined by James Wojtal Jr., Scott Schubert, and Wazer's Matt Nowicki and Christian Moore. Root for us- the hometown team! #46!

Anney Fresh Ozar Maker Picture

Anney Fresh Ozar

Anney Fresh Ozar is a maker of puppets, costumes, and things that go. She makes puppets for Sesame Street and Adafruit's Circuit Playground. Past Maker Faire projects include: Space Kittys, MakerBot Raceway, and Madagascar Institute's Chariot Races.

Keith Ozar Maker Picture

Keith Ozar

Keith Ozar is a maker and now works for WAZER in Brooklyn, NY. Produced MakerBot Raceway at Maker Faire NY in 2011 and MakerBot Robot Petting Zoo in San Mateo, CA in 2012. Also a Contributing Writer - Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 1st Edition.

Monty Ozar Maker Picture

Monty Ozar

Monty Ozar, 5, is a tiny maker. He is great at holding the other end of the tape measure and can drive a screw. Legos are his main passion. He has strong opinions about the design of a Power Wheels Racing Car. This is his 6th World Maker Faire.

Power Racing Series Showcase Maker

Engineering, technology, diversity, and above all imagination are at the core of what we represent. We believe that sharing open source knowledge, tools, and tech among inspired makers of all ages and abilities.

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