Teen Party Monitor  -  using Raspberry Pi project image

Teen Party Monitor - using Raspberry Pi

World Maker Faire New York 2018

September 22nd-23rd

Young Makers / Education Exhibit Young Makers (Maker is under 18yo)

Receive guests by opening a digital door lock, take a cool selfie, and share it on party album. Monitor the party via camera and use machine learning to detect people count, food served, substance abuse & violence. Alert party sponsors based on rules

Rohan Jinturkar Maker Picture

Rohan Jinturkar

Rohan is a senior at Ridge High School in Basking Ridge, NJ. He is interested in using and making cool high tech gadgets, is an avid viola player, and an active follower of all things related to current world events.

Indira Kuruganti Maker Picture

Indira Kuruganti

Indira has a PhD in Systems Engg. She is a keen follower of technology trends, especially in the Internet of Things domain. She is the motivator and project manager for this system. In her day job, she works for a leading wireless operator.

Sanjay Jinturkar Maker Picture

Sanjay Jinturkar

Sanjay has a Phd in Computer Science, and has background in software tools design. He has worked on a variety of embedded systems projects in the past. His loves working with his son on IoT projects

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