Unpossible Cuts

Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

May 18th-20th

Exhibit Craft

Fun Laser Cut Jewelry

Unpossible Cuts project image
Philip Eggleston Maker Picture

Philip Eggleston

Unpossible Cuts is a company of the people. By that we mean it's was made by people of the earth and not the lizard people of the underground. Not to talk bad about them but they are scary and haunt my dreams. Needless to say if the lizard people due rise to power I will be the first to go. Also our jewelry is super cool. Cool as a cold blooded lizard.

San Francisco Bazaar Showcase Maker

Each year San Francisco Bazaar features hundreds of juried artists and designers. Shoppers can expect to find the crème de la crème of indie goods: handbags, pottery, letterpress stationary, silk-screened t-shirts, baby clothes, zines, posters, body products and more!

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